A nice example of the. After the German invasion of the Netherlands in 1940. And the country's subsequent occupation. The Wehrmacht began using the huge Dutch electrical company of. Based in Eindhoven to produce numerous electrical-based items.
One of the Third Reich's Armed Forces leading requirements. Was for a small personal military torch that required no batteries. So it was that Phillips & Co were ordered to design. Such an item and finally in 1943 they. And then issued to the German Army.
A small squeeze-activated, dynamo-driven torch. With a small lever atop which, every time it was depressed. Produced enough electrical power to light the small bulb. Nicknamed' Knijpkat' ('Squeezed Cat' in Dutch). The small semi-oval shaped torch.
Had a metal body painted in Wehrmacht field-grey and. 3.5" long x 3" high (with the lever up).
Stamped on top in both Dutch & English. (and only produced for the Wehrmacht in 1943). This is a very nice example of the German Infantry-issue torch. A fabulous wee piece of German Infantry personal kit.
Manufactured in German-Occupied Holland in WW-II. It is a nice example of a British Army-veteran bring-back in 1945.